Privacy Policy

Welcome to Naughty Body!

Our Commitment to Your Privacy

At Naughty Body, we value your privacy and want you to feel comfortable while using our website and services. This Privacy Policy is here to assure you that we respect your personal information and are committed to its protection.

Information We Collect

  1. Personal Information: We collect personal information you provide, such as your name, email address, and contact details when you use our website, subscribe to our newsletters, or interact with our products.
  2. Usage Information: We may gather data about how you use our website, such as IP addresses, browser types, operating systems, and device information.
  3. Cookies: We use cookies and similar technologies to make your experience smoother. You can manage cookie preferences through your browser settings.

How We Use Your Information

We use your information in ways that improve your Naughty Body experience:

  1. Providing Services: Your information helps us deliver the products and services you request, process transactions, and respond to your questions.
  2. Enhancing Our Website: We analyze your usage to enhance our site's features and content, making it more tailored to your needs.
  3. Sharing the Joy: We may send you exciting news, promotions, and newsletters, but you can opt out of marketing communications at any time.
  4. Playing by the Rules: We adhere to legal requirements and our own policies to ensure everyone's peace of mind.

Data Sharing

We're all about your privacy. We don't share your personal information with third parties, except in these circumstances:

  1. Trusted Partners: We may share data with trusted service providers who assist us in providing our services.
  2. Legal Musts: We will disclose information if required by law or to protect our rights, safety, and property.

Data Security

Your data is precious. We use appropriate security measures to protect it. Although no data transmission is 100% secure, we do our best to keep your information safe.

Your Choices

You have control:

  1. Stay in the Loop: Update your communication preferences and decide when and how you want to hear from us.
  2. Cookie Control: Manage cookies through your browser settings.
  3. Data Matters: Request access, corrections, or deletion of your personal information.

A Note for Our Younger Friends

Our services and products are intended for grown-ups above the age of 21. We don't knowingly collect personal information from kids. If you believe we have, let us know by writing to us on

Policy Updates

Change is part of life. We may update this policy to reflect changes in our services and practices. Any changes will be posted on our website with a new effective date.

Get in Touch

Questions or concerns about your privacy? We're here to chat! Contact us at

Thank you for being part of the Naughty Body community!